Monday, September 21, 2015

Press Forward, Saints

Peter has been getting more playing time on the JV soccer team.  The coach switched him to left forward!  He is pictured here in the blue in the middle.
Jesse had an emergency transfer this week because of a sister that had to go home because she was sick.  So she is now in "the ghetto" as she termed it.  She was really excited!  I hope she finds a lot of people to teach there.

I am having a great time teaching my Lightfeet Zoning class.  My friend brings her little 3 week old son Wesley, and I got to hold him while she practiced the points I had just taught.  Fun!
Mary, Peter and Libby got to fly in an airplane for the first time!  
Uncle Gérard took them up flying yesterday and they had a great time.  Mary even got to fly the plane for awhile.  Gérard said she made a perfect turn.  Here's an aerial view our property.

Joseph and Bruce went hunting early in the week.  Bruce said, "We saw a ton of bull elk but all within a 2 hour span spread out over 2 days - 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 before dark - that is when they were talking and we had to be where they were during that time and get it just right - we didn't, but sure saw a bunch of them."

Bruce said it was cold, wet and rainy up there, and when he got back he had a cold, so he has been slowly recovering from that all week.  I started to get a bad sinus headache last night, but I used RC, Deep Relief, Breathe Again Roll-on, and then I diffused Laurus Nobilis, and when I woke up this morning it was GONE.  I was so grateful!

Mary helped Nic take pictures on Friday night at the Homecoming Dance, and earned $80 in the process.  Good friends, good times!

Josh, Joseph and their roommate Andrew went over to Craig & Jenette's for Sunday dinner.  After playing horsey with the girls and Grant, this is where they ended up!

Mary has invited all the singles branch over tonight for scripture study.  It's so fun to have everyone over.  A pic after saying good-bye to everyone:

Speaking of having everyone over, we had big crew here last Monday night for Family Home Evening.  We had Greg & Rachelle, Todd & Kristie, Matt & Chantel, Jay & Leah, Tyson & Laurel, and Caryn (her husband Matt couldn't make it), Doug & Tonia, and all their kids.  It was super fun.  We had a celebration for the Jewish New Year, the first day of Tishri.  We had falafels and watermelon, and all kinds of deserts.  Then we had a short lessen, where I talked about Isaiah 58 and the "bands" being loosed and the restoring of the breach in the wall.  Then we had a long talk that lasted until midnight!  (The advantages of having friends that home school.  haha)  Oh, and LaWanna was here also.  All the kids went outside and had a blast playing Capture the Flag.  I love hosting big parties, that is for sure!

We had a wonderful Stake Conference today.  Our Stake President made a wonderful point about the Sabbath being a sign to us from God that the Savior can heal us. And our actions on the Sabbath are a sign to God of what and whom we choose to be our God.  I am grateful for the Sabbath day!

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