Monday, October 19, 2020

19th Annual Cider Festival at Harvey Road

It has been almost four years since I have posted on this blog, and it is time for a return...

The return has to do with Peter being on a mission!  I found that with our other missionaries, writing a blog was the best way to keep the missionary up on all the family events with pictures, etc.  As long as I am writing every week, it might as well be a record for the whole family, and others can share too.

On Saturday we had our 19th Annual Cider Festival! This is our second year of having it at our Harvey Road property.

We started out the day with a breakfast of French Toast at Josh & Celeste's apartment.  When we lived in this same apartment almost 3 years ago, we had no idea of the adventure that lay ahead.  It seemed so small at the time, but when I walk in that apartment now, it seems really big!  (This makes sense when coming from a 5th wheel, as big as that is).

Then came the apple picking! 

Bruce & Lorena

Celeste & Josh

Sky & Jesse

Peter (Petey)

Penelope (Nellie)

Kevin & Mary

Kaladin & Grandma

Nic & Hunter

Family & Friends picking apples

We missed Becca because she was at a midwifery appointment, and Joseph couldn't be with us this weekend because of intense medical school studying, and of course, Peter on a mission.  We also have Nic & Hunter with us, our dear family friends.

By my best estimate, we had 87 people attend the Cider Festival, which was less than normal, but still very fun!  Here is the Cider Press (which Bruce built back in 2003 or so).

And here it is in action!  Thanks for the pictures, Nic!

Our cat Rufus taking in the action on the hay bales.  We have  kind of taken a liking to this "mouser", believe it or not...

Bruce with his sister Michelle

Jesse & Sky in a rare relaxing moment

Becca & our special friend Emma.  Emma decided she  would adopt one of the crias - Bengalaru.  :)

Libby is here with cousins Gwenaelle, Henry, Brandon & Matthew

And more cousins! Shawn & Nicole with Emma

Grandpa & Petey

Krystle and two of her daughters came!  So lovely to have them!
And this wonderful family!  We love the Justin & Aubrey family.  :)
And many others that we didn't get pictures of.  So many friends and neighbors - we love them all!

After all the festivities, we had a little birthday party for Kaladin - who turned two years old the week before.  Aunt Becca made the bithday cake - in the form of a "2" with railroad tracks and a train on the top (Kaladin's FAVORITE thing right now).  Happy Birthday, Kaladin!

Thankfully we did get a visit from Joseph two weeks ago, and it was wonderful to have him here for General Conference!  He is attending the WWAMI program in Moscow, Idaho at the UofI Campus, as part of the University of Washington Medical School.  He's in his first year.  He got a 95% on the test that he missed studying for to come down here, so it was all worth it!

Peter's call was to the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo East mission last fall.  Through all the happenings in 2020, he started his mission on August 5th with a temporary re-assignment to the Idaho Pocatello Mission.  His area currently is in Jerome, Spanish speaking.  He is only two hours from  home!  We laugh and laugh about this, but honestly, as a Mom, it's really great to have him so close!

This is sending him off at the airport on Sept 15th.
And here he is watching General Conference a few weeks ago.

Until next week, then!  Happy October!

1 comment:

Bruce said...

Thanks for doing this - I love your life!