Sunday, April 24, 2011

Young Womanhood Recognition

Jesse has received her Young Womanhood Award!  She set a goal last year at this time to have it done in a year, and she accomplished it.  She is the personification of what the Personal Progress program is all about, and I'm so proud of her.  One of the neat things she did for one of her projects was to go over and help Rachelle, a young mother in our ward who has five children under the age of nine.  Rachelle told me that after the last time she was there, that her six year old son said, "I've noticed that the ______ (our last name)'s are always working to get to the Celestial Kingdom."  How cute is that?  Jesse is a great example for our family, and is a great strength in our home.  Congratulations Jesse!

PS In case you feel like I've give Joseph the slight on his Eagle Scout Award, he'll get his due recognition on his Court of Honor.  Speaking of which, I need to start planning...

1 comment:

annette said...

Congratulations, that is such an accomplishment.