Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Link of Generations

One of my cousins, Debbie, posted a memory on Family Search (the world's largest online family tree) about our grandmother, Reta Jane Brown.  It led me to this picture of her:

She had two young daughters at the time this photo was taken, so she would have been in her 20's.  I love this photo!  As I looked at this photo, I thought of another photo:

I posted this picture last week, but who couldn't use a little more of miss cutie-patutie Nellie?  She is my granddaughter.

The one is my grandma, and the other my grandaughter, and here am I, in the middle of these five generations.  I know and love them both.  I am the link. When I think of it this way, we are not so distant from each other, all the generations between me and my ancestors.  

My grandma's maternal grandmother was Jane Mariah Capener.
She was marrid to Ephraim Knowlton Hanks, a venerable Utah pioneer.  I am looking forward to meeting her!

Jane's maternal grandmother was Ann Gardiner (1786-1851), who lived on Oldbury on the Hill, Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom in 1841.  This makes me want to visit England!!

Peter got to meet one of my old mission buddies last week!  Lon served in a tiny town called Huacuyo, Bolivia.  Hermana Florencia & I hitchhiked (that's how we got around) in the back of a cow truck, and got off right before the tourist town of Copacabana.  We walked down a dirt road through a valley for a few miles, and came to Huacuyo.  Years before, missionaries had taught the people of this town and baptized almost the whole town.  A small church building had been built there.  Hermana Florencia and I went to teach Welfare lessons to the members, as part of our missionary duties.  We met with Elder Lon (not his last name) in their apartment and I remember reading 1 Nephi 14:14 in that apartment.  Hermana Florencia and I slept in the Church.  I can't remember what we slept on or what blankets we used!  

Anyway, I knew that Lon was from Jerome, so when Peter was assigned there, I messaged him on FB and let him know.  Last Sunday, he went to his parents house in Jerome, and they had Peter and his companion over for dinner!  How fun is that!

I was just delighted to see these pictures!

Joseph has been here this past week!  He got a break from school and came down to be with Becca.  It's so good to see him!  He has spent some time hunting with Bruce and training his 2-year old llama Tarzan on a lead rope.

Happy Fall, everyone!

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